Inverse Spin Hall Effect in Electron Beam Evaporated Topological Insulator Bi2Se3 Thin Film
Braj B Singh et al.
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 13 (3), 2018, 1800492
Spintronics exploiting pure spin current in ferromagnetic (FM)/heavy metals (HM) is a subject of intense research. Topological insulators having spin momentum locked surface states exhibit high spin–orbit coupling and thus possess a huge potential to replace the HM like Pt, Ta, W, etc. In this context, the spin pumping phenomenon in Bi2Se3/CoFeB bilayers has been investigated. Bi2Se3 thin films are fabricated by electron beam evaporation method on Si (100) substrate. In order to confirm the topological nature of Bi2Se3, low temperature magnetotransport measurement on a 30 nm thick Bi2Se3 film which shows 10% magnetoresistance (MR) at 1.5 K has been performed. A linear increase in MR with applied magnetic field indicates the presence of spin momentum‐locked surface states. A voltage has been measured at room temperature to quantify the spin pumping which is generated via inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE). For the separation of spin rectification effects mainly produced by the FM CoFeB layer, in plane angular dependence of the dc voltage with respect to applied magnetic field has been measured. Our analysis reveals that spin pumping induced ISHE is the dominant contribution in the measured voltage.

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Prof. Dr. Subhankar Bedanta
Professor in Physics
Chief-Coordinator of Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences (CIS), NISER

Laboratory for Nanomagnetism and Magnetic Materials (LNMM)
National Institute of Science Education and Research
Under Review
115. Spin pumping and inverse spin Hall effect in CoFeB/C60 bilayers
Purbasha Sharangi , Braj Bhusan Singh , Sagarika Nayak , Subhankar Bedanta
114. Spinterface Mediated Magnetic Properties of Co20Fe60B20/Alq3 Heterostructures
SP Mahanta, A Sahoo, S Nayak, TPA Hase, D Atkinson, S Bedanta
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113. Structural deformation and irreversible magnetic properties of flexible Co/Pt and Co/Pd thin films
E Pandey, S Mohanty, A Mishra, B Sharma, S Bedanta
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.00482
112. Impact of Cr doping on Hall resistivity and magnetic anisotropy in SrRuO3 thin films
Pooja Kesarwani, Santosh K Khetan, B Ojha, R J Choudhary, V R Reddy, Subhankar Bedanta, P S Anil Kumar and Chanchal Sow*
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111. Magnetization reversal of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy multilayers on polymeric substrates for flexible
spintronics applications
R. S. Bevan, R. Chhatoi; S. Mallick, C. Cafolla, B. Nicholson, S. Bedanta, D. Atkinson
J. Appl. Phys. 136, 223901 (2024)
110. Efficient control of magnetization dynamics via W/CuOX interface
Antarjami Sahoo, Sagar Mallick, Ashutosh Rath, Haifeng Ding, Antonio Azevedo, Subhankar Bedanta
Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 132407 (2024)
109. Enhanced spin pumping in heterostructures of coupled ferrimagnetic garnets
Anupama Swain, Kshitij Singh Rathore, Pushpendra Gupta, Abhisek Mishra, Yong Heng Lee, Jinho Lim,
Axel Hoffmann, Ramanathan Mahendiran, Subhankar Bedanta
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108. Magnetic coupling at the interface between ultrathin tetragonal CuO and La0.7Sr0.3MnO3
Digbijaya Palai, Ravinder Kumar, M. Tahir, P. Gupta, S. N. Sarangi, S. Bedanta, G. Tripathy, S. Mukhopadhyay, Z. Hossain, and D. Samal
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107. Observation of Topological Hall Effect and Skyrmions in Pt/Co/Ir/Co/Pt System
Shaktiranjan Mohanty, Brindaban Ojha, Minaxi Sharma, and Subhankar Bedanta
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106. Molecular Hybridization Induced Antidamping and Sizable Enhanced Spin-to-Charge Conversion in Co20Fe60B20/- W/C60 Heterostructures
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105. Study of domain wall dynamics in Pt/Co/Pt ultrathin films
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104. Tuning exchange bias in silica-coated Co-CoO core-shell nanostructure
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J. Nanoparticle Research 26 (2024)
103. Experimental verification of the inverse anomalous spin Hall effect with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy materials
J. E. Abrao, A. R. Rodrigues, S. Bedanta and A. Azevedo
Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 062405 (2024)
102. Self-induced inverse spin Hall effect in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 films
Pushpendra Gupta, In Jun Park, Anupama Swain, Abhisek Mishra, Vivek P. Amin, and Subhankar Bedanta
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101. Spin pumping and inverse spin Hall effect in magnetron-sputtered large area MoS2/Co40Fe40B20 bilayers
Abhisek Mishra, Pushpendra Gupta, V. Thiruvengadam, Braj Bhusan Singh, Subhankar Bedanta
J. Alloys and Compounds 970, 172076 (2024)
100. A Perspective on multifunctional ferromagnet/organic molecule spinterface
Esita Pandey, Purbasha Sharangi, Antarjami Sahoo, Swayang Priya Mahanta, Srijani Mallik, Subhankar Bedanta
Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 040501 (2023)
99. Unusual domain wall motion in the vicinity of the depinning field in a Pt/CoFeB/MgO film
Brindaban Ojha, Braj Bhusan Singh, Minaxi Sharma, Sougata Mallick, Vincent Jeudy, André Thiaville, Stanislas Rohart
& Subhankar Bedanta
Applied Physics A 129 (10), 688 (2023)
P Gupta, BB Singh, A Mishra, A Kumar, A Sarkar, M Waschk, S Bedanta
SPIN, 2340019 (2023)
97. Linear magnetoelectric coupling and type-II multiferroic order in NiMn2O4
A. Chatterjee; A. Kumar, P. K. Manna, S. Bedanta,; A. Sarma, S. Majumdar, S. M. Yusuf, S. Giri
J. Appl. Phys. 134, 104103 (2023)
96. Enhancement of physical properties of Zn1-xNixO pellets synthesized by novel TVA technique for device applications
Nirlipta Kar, Sushanta Kumar Kamilla, V Rama Rao Medicherla, Subhankar Bedanta, Shaktiranjan Mohanty, Vasant Sathe, Pravanjan Mallick
95. Effective role of vibrational annealing in enhancing room temperature physical properties of Co doped ZnO nanoparticles by using novel TVA technique
Nirlipta Kar, Sushanta Kumar Kamilla, V Rama Rao Medicherla, Subhankar Bedanta, Uday P Deshpande, Vasant Sathe, Soumya Shephalika Behera, Pravanjan Mallick
Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 24,2522-2537 (2023)
94. Optimizing Spin Pumping and Spin Mixing Conductance via Cu Spacer Layer in Mn2Au/Py System
Bibhuti Bhusan Jena, Pushpendra Gupta, Sagarika Nayak, Abhisek Mishra, Antonio Azevedo, Haifeng Ding, and
Subhankar Bedanta
Physica Scripta 98 (7), 075924 (2023)
93. Spin to charge conversion in semi-conducting antiferromagnetic Co3O4
Koustuv Roy, Abhisek Mishra, Sagarika Nayak, Pushpendra Gupta, Bibhuti Bhusan Jena, and Subhankar Bedanta
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 5, 1575 (2023)
92. Emergence of sizeable interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction at Cobalt/Fullerene spinterface
Esita Pandey, Brindaban Ojha, and Subhankar Bedanta
Physical Review Applied, 19, 044013 (2023)
91. Device geometry dependent deterministic skyrmion generation from a skyrmionium
Adyashakti Dash, Brindaban Ojha, Shaktiranjan Mohanty, Ashish Kumar Moharana, Subhankar Bedanta
Nanotechnology, 34, 185001 (2023)
90. Driving skyrmions with low threshold current density in Pt/CoFeB thin film
Brindaban Ojha, Sougata Mallick, Minaxi Sharma, André Thiaville, Stanislas Rohart, Subhankar Bedanta
Physica Scripta, 98, 035819 (2023)
89. Effect of Fullerene on domain size and relaxation in a perpendicularly magnetized Pt/Co/C60/Pt system
Purbasha Sharangi, Aritra Mukhopadhyaya, Srijani Mallik, Esita Pandey, Brindaban Ojha, Md. Ehesan Ali and Subhankar Bedanta
J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 17236
88. Spin dynamics and inverse spin Hall effect study in metallic Pt/NiMn/CoFeB system
Koustuv Roya, Sagarika Nayak, Pushpendra Gupta, and Subhankar Bedanta
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 24323
87. Dependence of Exchange Bias on Interparticle Interactions in Co/CoO Core/Shell Nanostructures
Suchandra Goswami, Pushpendra Gupta, Sagarika Nayak, Subhankar Bedanta, Òscar Iglesias, Manashi
Chakraborty, and Debajyoti De
Nanomaterial ,2022, 12, 3159
86. Spin rectification effects in ferromagnetic metal microstrips induced by anisotropic magnetoresistance, planar Hall
effect, and anomalous Hall effect
Kang He, Jun Cheng , Man Yang, Liang Sun, Wei Sun, Subhankar Bedanta, Antonio Azevedo, Bingfeng Miao, and
Haifeng Ding
Physical Review B ,2022, 106, 104407
85. Anomalous inverse spin Hall effect in perpendicular magnetized Co/Pd multilayers
Physical Review B ,2022, 105, 224426,magnetization%20of%20Co%2FPd%20multilayers.
84. Anisotropy and Domain Structure in Nanoscale-Thick MoS2/CoFeB Heterostructures: Implications for Transition Metal Dichalcogenide-Based Thin Films
Vijayabaskaran Thiruvengadam, Abhisek Mishra, Shaktiranjan Mohanty, Subhankar Bedanta
ACS applied Nano Materials, 2022, 5, 1575
83. Magnetic properties in soft(CoFeB)/hard(C0) bilayers deposited under different Ar gas pressure
Sagarika Nayak, Shaktiranjan Mohanty, Braj Bhusan Singh, and Subhankar Bedanta
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 2022, 34, 385801
82. Degenerate skyrmionic states in synthetic antiferromagnets
Mona M M Bhukta, Braj B Singh, Sougata Mallick, Stanislas Rohart, and Subhankar Bedanta
Nanotechnology, 2022, 33, 385702
81. Magnetoelastic anisotropy in Heusler-type Mn2−δCoGa1+δ films
MTakahide Kubota, Daichi Takano, Yohei Kota, Shaktiranjan Mohanty, Keita Ito, Mitsuhiro Matsuki, Masahiro Hayashida, Mingling Sun, Yukiharu Takeda, Yuji Saitoh, Subhankar Bedanta, Akio Kimura and Koki Takanashi
Physical Review Materials, 2022, 6, 044405
80. Magnetization reversal and domain structures in perpendicular synthetic antiferromagnets prepared on rigid and flexible substrates
Shaktiranjan Mohanty, Minaxi Sharma, Ashish Kumar Moharana, Brindaban Ojha, Esita Pandey, Braj Bhusan Singh, Subhankar Bedanta
The Journal of The Minerals, Metals &Materials Society , 2022, 74, 2319–2327
79. Domain wall memory: Physics, materials, and devices
Durgesh Kumar, Tianli Jin, Rachid Sbiaa, Mathias Kläui, Subhankar Bedanta, Shunsuke Fukami, Dafine Ravelosona, See-Hun Yang, Xiaoxi Liu, S.N. Piramanayagam
Physics Reports, 2022, 958, 1
78. Spinterface-Induced Modification in Magnetic Properties in Co40Fe40B20/Fullerene Bilayers
Purbasha Sharangi, Esita Pandey, Shaktiranjan Mohanty, Sagarika Nayak, and Subhankar Bedanta
J. Phys. Chem. C , 2021, 125, 25350
77. Coexistence of exchange bias and memory effect in nanocrystalline CoCr2O4
S.Goswami, P.Gupta, S.Bedanta, M.Chakraborty, D.De
J. Alloy and Compound , 2021, 890, 161916
76. Interface-driven static and dynamic magnetic properties of ultrathin Fe/Ge multilayers
SurendraSingh, HarshBhatta, YogeshKumar, C.L.Prajapat, A.Mishra, S.Bedanta, S.Basu
Appl. Surf. Sci., 2021, 570, 151173
75. Spin pumping and inverse spin Hall effect in CoFeB/IrMn heterostructures
K Roy, A Mishra, P Gupta, S Mohanty, BB Singh, S Bedanta
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2021, 54, 425001
74. Spin pumping and inverse spin Hall effect in iridium oxide
Biswajit Sahoo, Koustuv Roy, Pushpendra Gupta, Abhisek Mishra, Biswarup Satpati, Braj Bhusan Singh and Subhankar Bedanta,
Adv. Quantum Technol. 2021, 9, 2000146,
73. Effect of random anisotropy in stabilization of skyrmions and antiskyrmions
G Pradhan, B. Ojha and S. Bedanta
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2021, 528, 167805
BB Singh, K Roy, P Gupta, T Seki, K Takanashi, S Bedanta
NPG Asia Materials 2021, 13, 1
71. Magnetism at the interface of non-magnetic Cu and C60
P Sharangi, P Gargiani, SM Valvidares, S Bedanta
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021, 23, 6490
70. Effect of spin glass frustration on exchange bias in NiMn/CoFeB bilayers
S Nayak, PK Manna, B Singh, S Bedanta
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021, 23, 6481
69. Simultaneous observation of anti-damping and the inverse spin Hall effect in the La 0.67 Sr 0.33 MnO 3/Pt bilayer system
P Gupta, BB Singh, K Roy, A Sarkar, M Waschk, T Brueckel, S Bedanta
Nanoscale ,2021, 13, 2714
Braj Bhusan Singh, Sukanta Kumar Jena, Manisha Samanta, Kanishka Biswas,and Subhankar Bedanta
ACS Applied Materials and Interface 12, 53409 (2020)
67. Inverse spin Hall effect and spin pumping in polycrystalline noncollinear antiferromagnetic Mn3Ga
Braj Bhusan Singh, Koustuv Roy, J. Arout Chelvane, and Subhankar Bedanta
Phys. Rev. B 102, 174444 (2020)
66. Superconductivity in Ag implanted Au thin film
Manas Kumar Dalai, Braj Bhusan Singh, Salila Kumar Sethy, Satya Prakash Sahoo, Subhankar Bedanta
Physica-B: Condensed Matter 601, 412607 (2021)
65. Electrodeposited Heusler alloy films with enhanced magneto-optical property
M. R. Karim, D. Panda, A. Adhikari, P. Sharangi, P. Mandal, S. Ghosh, S Bedanta, A. Barman and I. Sarkar
Materials Today Communications 25, 101678 (2020)
64. Skyrmion Racetrack memory with an antidot
Aroop Kumar Behera, Chandrasekhar Murapaka, Sougata Mallick, Braj Bhusan Singh, Subhankar Bedanta
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 025001 (2020)
63. Study of the magnetic interface and its effect in Fe/ NiFe bilayers of alternating order
S. Nayak, S. S. Das, B. B. Singha , T. R. Charlton, C. J. Kinane, and S. Bedanta*
RSC Advances 10, 34266 (2020)
62. Strain engineered domain structure and their relaxation in perpendicularly magnetized Co/Pt deposited on flexible polyimide
Esita Pandey, Braj Bhusan Singh, Purbasha Sharangi, Subhankar Bedanta
Nano Express 1, 0100037 (2020)
61. Surface driven exchange bias in nanocrystalline CoCr2O4
S. Goswami, P. K. Manna, S. Bedanta, S. K. Dey, M. Chakraborty, and D. De
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53, 305303 (2020)
60. Large Spin Hall Angle and Spin-Mixing Conductance in the Highly Resistive Antiferromagnet Mn2Au
Braj Bhusan Singh and Subhankar Bedanta
Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 044020 (2020)
59. Crystallization and magnetic hardening behaviour of Fe-rich FeSiBNb(Cu) melt-spun alloys
P. Murugaiyana, S. Bedantab, S. K. Jenab, A. K. Pandaa, A. Mitraa, S. Bysakhc, R. K. Roya
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 502, 166528 (2020)
58. Effect of random anisotropy on magnetization reversal in dipolarly coupled layered thin films
N. Chowdhury , G. S. Babu , A. Weber , S. Mattauch , A. Rath , M. K. Dalai , T. Brückel, and S. Bedanta
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 503, 166611 (2020)
Sagarika Nayak, Palash Kumar Manna, Thiruvengadam Vijayabaskaran, Braj Bhusan Singh, Subhankar Bedanta
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 499, 166267 (2020)
56. Enhanced anisotropy and study of magnetization reversal in Co/C60 bilayer thin film
Srijani Mallik, Biswajit Sahoo, Purbasha Sharangi, Stefan Mattauch, Thomas Brückel, and Subhankar
Appl. Phys. Letters 115, 242405 (2019)
55. Magnetization reversal, damping properties and magnetic anisotropy of L10 ordered FeNi thin films
V. Thiruvengadam, B. B. Singh, T. Kojima, K. Takanashi, M. Mizuguchi, and S. Bedanta
Appl. Phys. Letters 115, 202402 (2019)
54. Tuning spinterface properties in Iron/ fullerene thin films
S. Mallik, A. S. Mohd, A. Koutsioubas, S. Mattauch, B. Satpati, T. Brückel and S. Bedanta
Nanotechnology 30, 435705 (2019)
53. Tunability of domain structure and magnonic spectra in antidot arrays of Heusler alloy
Sougata Mallick, Sucheta Mondal, Takeshi Seki, Sourav Sahoo, Thomas Forrest, Francesco Maccherozzi,
Zhenchao Wen, Saswati Barman, Anjan Barman, Koki Takanashi, and Subhankar Bedanta
Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 014043 (2019)
52. Tuning of magnetic properties by alternating the order of hard/soft bilayers with various thicknesses
Sagarika Nayak, Braj Bhusan Singh, Sougata Mallick and Subhankar Bedanta
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 52 (2019) 305301 (6pp)
51. Inverse Spin Hall Effect in Electron Beam Evaporated Topological Insulator Bi2Se3 Thin Film
Braj B Singh, Sukanta K Jena, Manisha Samanta, Kanishka Biswas, Biswarup Satpati, Subhankar Bedanta
Physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 13 (3), 2018, 1800492
50. 360 ° domain walls in magnetic thin films with uniaxial and random anisotropy
N Chowdhury, W Kleemann, O Petracic, F Kronast, A Doran, A Scholl, S Cardoso, P Freitas, S Bedanta
Physical Review B 98, 134440 (2018)
49. Relaxation dynamics in magnetic antidot lattice arrays of Co/Pt with perpendicular anisotropy
Sougata Mallick, Swapna Sindhu Mishra, and Subhankar Bedanta
Scientific Reports 8, 11648 (2018)
48. Size and shape of skyrmions for variable Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and uniaxial anisotropy
Aroop Kumar Behera, Swapna Sindhu Mishra, Sougata Mallick, Braj Bhusan Singh, and Subhankar Bedanta
J. Phys. D : Appl. Phys. 51, 285001 (2018)
47. Tuning the anisotropy and domain structure of Co films by variable growth conditions and seed layers
Sougata Mallick, Srijani Mallik, Braj Bhusan Singh, Niru Chowdhury, Ryszard Gieniusz, Andrzej Maziewski, and Subhankar Bedanta
J. Phys. D : Appl. Phys. 51, 275003 (2018)
46. Effect of magnetic fullerene on magnetization reversal created at the Fe/C60 interface
Srijani Mallik, Stefan Mattauch, Manas Kumar Dalai, Thomas Brueckel, and Subhankar Bedanta
Scientific Reports 8, 5515 (2018)
45. Static and dynamic behavior of domain walls in high Bs soft magnetic ribbons tuned by the annealing
Sougata Mallick, Parmanand Sharma, Kana Takenaka, Akihiro Makino, and Subhankar Bedanta
J. Phys. D : Appl. Phys. 51, 065007 (2018)
44. Effect of sputtered flux direction on damping properties in magnetic bilayers
Sagarika Nayak, Sougata Mallick, Braj Bhusan Singh, and Subhankar Bedanta
J. Phys. D : Appl. Phys. 51, 055008 (2018)
43. Study of anisotropy, magnetization reversal and damping in ultrathin Co films on MgO (001) substrate
Srijani Mallik and Subhankar Bedanta
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 446, 270 (2018)
42. Study of spin pumping in Co thin film vis-à-vis seed and capping layer using ferromagnetic resonance
Braj Bhusan Singh, Sukanta Kumar Jena, Subhankar Bedanta
J. Phys. D : Appl. Phys. 50, 345001 (2017)
41. Effects of composition, thickness and temperature on the magnetic properties of amorphous CoFeB thin films
Anabil Gayen, Gobinda Kumar Prasad, Srijani Mallik, Subhankar Bedanta, Alagarsamy Perumal
J. Alloys. and Compounds 694, 823 (2017)
40. Effect of the growth conditions on the anisotropy, domain structures and the relaxation in Co thin films
Srijani Mallik and Subhankar Bedanta
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 428, 50 (2017)
39. Study of Magnetization Relaxation in Co Thin Films Prepared by Oblique Deposition and Substrate Rotation
Niru Chowdhury, Sougata Mallick, Srijani Mallik and Subhankar Bedanta
Thin Solid Films 616, 328 (2016)
38. Superferromagnetism in dipolarly coupled L10 FePt nanodots with perpendicular magnetization
S. Bedanta*, T. Seki, H Iwama, T Shima, K Takanashi
Applied Physics Letters 107, 152410 (2015)
37. Effect of substrate rotation on domain structure and magnetic relaxation in Magnetic Antidot Lattice (MAL)
Sougata Mallick, Srijani Mallik and Subhankar Bedanta*
J. Appl. Phys 118, 083904 (2015)
36. Controlling the size and relaxation dynamics of superferromagnetic domains
N. Chowdhury, S. Bedanta, S. Sing, and W. Kleemann
J.App.Phys, 117, 153907 (2015)
35. Size and Shape dependence study of Magnetization reversal in Magnetic Antidot Lattice arrays
Sougata Mallick and Subhankar Bedanta
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 382, 158 (2015)
34. Magnetic domain imaging in L10 ordered FePt thin films with in-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy
Sougata Mallick, Subhankar Bedanta, Takeshi Seki and Koki Takanashi
J. Appl. Phys. 116, 133904 (2014)
33. Interplay of uniaxial and cubic anisotropy in epitaxial Fe thin films on MgO (001) substrate
Srijani Mallik, Niru Chowdhury and Subhankar Bedanta
AIP Advances 4, 097118 (2014)
32. Invited book chapter in Handbook of Magnetism (Elsevier)
"Supermagnetism", Handbook of Magnetism (Elsevier)Volume 23, Page 1
S. Bedanta, O. Petracic, W. Kleemann
31. Controlling the anisotropy and domain structure with oblique deposition and substrate rotation
Niru Chowdhury and Subhankar Bedanta
AIP Advances 4, 027104 (2014)
30. Effect of Postannealing and Multilayer Structure on Soft Magnetic Properties of FeTaC Thin Film
Akhilesh Kr. Singh , Srijani Mallik , Subhankar Bedanta , and A. Perumal
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 50, 2000804 (2014)
29. Synthesis, Properties, and Applications of Single-Domain Magnetic Nanoparticles
S. Bedanta, A. Barman, W. Kleemann, O. Petracic, and T. Seki
Journal of Nanomaterials. Volume 2013, Article ID 130180 (2013)
28. Magnetic Nanoparticles: A Subject for Both Fundamental Research and Applications
S. Bedanta, A. Barman, W. Kleemann, O. Petracic, and T. Seki
Journal of Nanomaterials. Volume 2013, Article ID 952540 (2013)
27. Coexistence of magnetic order and spin-glass like phase in the pyrochlore antierromagnet Na{3}Co(CO{3}){2}Cl
Z. Fu, Y. Zheng, Y. Xiao, S. Bedanta, A. Senyshyn, G. G Simeoni, Y. Su, U. Ruecker, P. Koegerler, and T. Brueckel,
Phys. Rev. B 87, 214406 (2013).
26. Spacer layer and temperature driven magnetic properties in multilayer structured FeTaC thin films
A. K. Singh, S. Mallik, S. Bedanta, A. Perumal
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46, 445005 (2013)
25. Effect of Inter-Particle Interactions in Magnetic Nanoparticle Ensembles
S. Bedanta, N. Chowdhury, and W. Kleemann
Sensor Letter 11, 1 (2013)
24. Evidence of the spin glass state in (Bi1.88Fe0.12)(Fe1.42Te0.58)O6.87pyrochlore
S. Babu, S. Bedanta, and M. Valant
Solid State Communication 158, 51 (2013)
23. Study of magnetization reversal processes in a thin Co film
N. Chowdhuri, S. Bedanta and S. Babu
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 336, 20 (2013)
23. Comment on “The Origin of Magnetism in Mn-Doped SrTiO3”
A. Tkach, P. M. Vilarinho, W. Kleemann , V. V. Shvartsman ,P. Borisov, and S. Bedanta
Adv. Funct. Mater. (2012); DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201202314
22. Magnetic Anomaly and Dielectric Tunability of (Sr,Mn)TiO3 Thin Films
A. Tkach, O. Okhay, A. Wu, P. M. Vilarinho, S. Bedanta, V. V. Shvartsman, and P. Borisov,
FERROELECTRICS 426, 274-281 (2012)
21. Single particle blocking and collective magnetic states in discontinuous CoFe/Al2O3 multilayers
S. Bedanta, O. Petracic, , X. Chen, J. Rhensius, , S. Bedanta, E. Kentzinger, U. Rücker, T. Brückel, A. Doran, A.
Scholl, S. Cardoso, P. P.
Freitas, and W. Kleemann
J. Phys. D - Appl. Phys. 43, 474002 (2010)
20. Multiferroic and Magnetoelectric Materials-Novel Developments and Perspectives
W. Kleemann, P. Borisov, S. Bedanta, and V V Shvartsman
IEEE Trans. On Ultraso. Ferroelectr. And Freq. Control 57, 2228 (2010)
19. Spin cluster glass and magnetoelectricity in Mn-doped KTaO3
V. V. Shvartsman, S. Bedanta, P. Borisov, W. Kleemann, A. Tkach, and P. M. Vilarinho
J. Appl. Phys. 107, 103926 (2010)
18. Invited review article on the magnetism of nanoparticles "Supermagnetism"
S. Bedanta and W. Kleemann
J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 42, 013001 (2009)
17. Multiglass order and magnetoelectricity in Mn2+ doped incipient ferroelectrics
W. Kleemann, S. Bedanta, P. Borisov, V. V. Shvartsman, S. Miga, J. Dec, A. Tkach, and P. M. Vilarinho
Eur. Phys. J. B 71, 407 (2009)
16. Dynamic behavior of a superferromagnetic metal-insulator multilayer observed by magneto-optic Kerr
S Bedanta, J Rhensius, W Kleemann, P. Parashar, S Cardoso, and P P Freitas
J. Appl. Phys. 105, 07C306 (2009)
15. Magnetoelectricity in multiferroically composed multilayers and multiglasses
W. Kleemann, P. Borisov, V.V. Shvartsman, S. Bedanta, A. Tkach, and M. Vilarinho
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 321, 1785 (2009)
14. FeSi diffusion-barriers in Fe/FeSi/Si/FeSi/Fe multilayers and oscillatory antiferromagnetic exchange coupling
F. Stromberg, S. Bedanta, C. Antoniak, W. Keune, and H. Wende
J. Phys. Condens. Matter. 20, 425205 (2008)
13. "(Sr,Mn)TiO3 - a magnetoelectrically coupled multiglass"
W. Kleemann, V. V. Shvartsman, S. Bedanta, P. Borisov, A. Tkach, and P. Vilarinho
J. Phys. Condens. Matter. 20, 434216 (2008)
12. "(Sr,Mn)TiO3 - a magnetoelectric multiglass"
V. V. Shvartsman, S. Bedanta, P. Borisov, W. Kleemann, A. Tkach, and P. Vilarinho
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 165704 (2008)
11. Crystal structures and its correlation to intrinsic and extrinsic magnetic properties of epitaxial hard magnetic Pr-
Co films
A. K. Patra, V. Neu, S. Fähler, R. Groetzschel, S. Bedanta, W. Kleemann and L. Schultz
Phys. Rev. B 75, 184417 (2007)
10. Overcoming dipolar disorder in dense CoFe nanoparticle ensembles -superferromagnetism
S. Bedanta, T. Eimüller, W. Kleemann, J. Rhensius, F. Stromberg, E. Amaladass, S. Cardoso, and P. P. Freitas,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 176601 (2007)
Also selected for Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology -- May 7, 2007
9. Polarized neutron reflectivity studies on granular C80Fe20/Al2O3 multilayers
S. Bedanta, E. Kentzinger, O. Petracic, W. Kleemann, U. Rücker, A. Paul, Th. Brückel, S. Cardoso, and P. P. Freitas
Physica B 397, 65 (2007)
8. The origin of ferromagnetism in 57Fe ion-implanted semiconducting 6H-polytype silicon carbide
F. Stromberg, W. Keune, X. Chen, S. Bedanta, H. Reuther, and A. Mücklich
J. Phys. Condens. Matter. 18, 9881 (2006)
7. Modulated magnetization depth profile in dipolarly coupled magnetic multilayers
S. Bedanta, E. Kentzinger, O. Petracic, W. Kleemann, U. Rücker, A. Paul, Th. Brückel, S. Cardoso, and P. P. Freitas
Phys. Rev. B. 74, 054426 (2006)
6. Collective states of interacting ferromagnetic nanoparticles
O. Petracic, X. Chen, S. Bedanta, W. Kleemann, S. Sahoo, S. Cardoso, and P. P. Freitas
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 300, 192 (2006)
5. Superparamagnetism vs. superspin glass behavior in dilute magnetic nanoparticle systems
X. Chen, S. Bedanta, O. Petracic, W. Kleemann, S. Sahoo, S. Cardoso, and P. P. Freitas
Phys. Rev. B 72, 214436 (2005)
4. A sample holder design for high temperature measurements in superconducting quantum interference device
S. Bedanta, O. Petracic, M. Aderholz, and W. Kleemann
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 083910 (2005)
Virt. J. Appl. Supercond. 9, 4 (2005)
3. Superferromagnetic domain state of a discontinuous metal insulator multilayer
S. Bedanta, O. Petracic, E. Kentzinger, W. Kleemann, U. Rücker, A. Paul, Th. Brückel, S. Cardoso, and P. P. Freitas
Phys. Rev. B. 72, 024419 (2005)
2. Collective magnetic states of ferromagnetic nanoparticles in the superspin limit
S. Bedanta, X. Chen, S. Sahoo, W. Kleemann, E. Kentzinger, P. Nordblad, S. Cardoso, and P.P. Freitas
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 1, 3288 (2004)
1. Intra- and interparticle interaction in a dense frozen ferrofluid
S. Bedanta, S. Sahoo, X. Chen, W. Kleemann, D. Sudfeld, K. Wojczykowski, and A. Hütten;
Phase Trans. 78, 121 (2004)
Publications in Conference Proceedings
1. S. Bedanta, O. Petracic, F. Strromberg, W. Kleemann, S. Cardoso, and P. P. Freitas
AIP Conference Proceedings 1063, 119 (2008)
2. S. Bedanta and W. Kleemann, AIP Conf. Proc. 1447, 65 (2012).
3. W. Kleemann, P. Borisov, V. V. Shvartsman, and S. Bedanta, EPJ Web of Conf. 29, 00046 (2012)
4. S. Bedanta, N. Chowdhury, and S. Sing, AIP Conf. Proc. 1461, 98 (2012)