Inverse Spin Hall Effect in Electron Beam Evaporated Topological Insulator Bi2Se3 Thin Film
Braj B Singh et al.
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 13 (3), 2018, 1800492
Spintronics exploiting pure spin current in ferromagnetic (FM)/heavy metals (HM) is a subject of intense research. Topological insulators having spin momentum locked surface states exhibit high spin–orbit coupling and thus possess a huge potential to replace the HM like Pt, Ta, W, etc. In this context, the spin pumping phenomenon in Bi2Se3/CoFeB bilayers has been investigated. Bi2Se3 thin films are fabricated by electron beam evaporation method on Si (100) substrate. In order to confirm the topological nature of Bi2Se3, low temperature magnetotransport measurement on a 30 nm thick Bi2Se3 film which shows 10% magnetoresistance (MR) at 1.5 K has been performed. A linear increase in MR with applied magnetic field indicates the presence of spin momentum‐locked surface states. A voltage has been measured at room temperature to quantify the spin pumping which is generated via inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE). For the separation of spin rectification effects mainly produced by the FM CoFeB layer, in plane angular dependence of the dc voltage with respect to applied magnetic field has been measured. Our analysis reveals that spin pumping induced ISHE is the dominant contribution in the measured voltage.

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Prof. Dr. Subhankar Bedanta
Professor in Physics
Chief-Coordinator of Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences (CIS), NISER

Laboratory for Nanomagnetism and Magnetic Materials (LNMM)
National Institute of Science Education and Research

Scanning electron micrograph of Star-shaped MoS2 crystal fabricated by RF magnetron sputtering followed by sulfurization

Magnetic textures of skyrmions in Co/Pt sample

Bubble domains obtained in Kerr microscope
Experimental observation of skyrmions

SEM images of triangular antidot arrays
Measured ISHE voltage and corresponding FMR spectra
Sample structure obtained from PNR analysis
Skyrmion simulation
Our broad research area is to study the properties of magnetic materials in bulk and low dimension.
Our group focuses on the following research areas......
Magnetic multilayers (inter-layer coupling effects)
Epitaxial magnetic thin films (domain and domain wall dynamics)
Organic spintronics
Antiferromagnetic Spintronics
Flexible Spintronics
Spin pumping
Patterned magnetic nanostructures (magnetic dots, anti-dots)
Magnetic nanoparticles (interparticle interaction effects)
Synthetic Antiferromagnets
Dzyaloshinskii Moriya interactions and study of Skyrmions (experiment and OOMMF simulations)
2D magnetic materials
Study of interface magnetism in MoS2/ferromgnetic heterostructures
Ferrimagnetic Spintronics
Domain wall motion in out-of-plane magnetized antidot lattice arrays imaged by state-of-art Kerr microscopy

FMR spectra

Domain wall motion in out-of-plane magnetized thin films imaged by state-of-art Kerr microscopy